Place highlights

Place is creating modern, connected workplaces for civil servants across the UK. It reduces regional disparities, benefits local economies and promotes diversity.

Photo in a brightly lit office. Five people are sat around a desk smiling and in conversation.

Places for Growth

  • over 18,000 civil service roles have been relocated outside of London
  • a further 4,000 roles will relocate by 2027
  • 50% of Senior Civil Servant roles will be based outside of London by 2030

Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities opens new HQ in Wolverhampton

The Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) opened a new second headquarters in Wolverhampton in partnership with Wolverhampton City Council and local universities. Over 300 roles are based in the second HQ and it has a regular and frequent ministerial presence — just like a Whitehall department.

New government hubs are opening to improve collaboration between departments. This includes the Darlington Economics Campus  and the Sheffield Policy Campus.

Better use of the public estate

Place Pilots are happening in the West Midlands, Hull, Derby, Sheffield and North East London to understand public estate needs in these areas. The One Public Estate programme is enabling a smaller, better and greener public estate by opening shared locations for public services.