Delivery highlights
Delivery is embedding a culture of service and delivery excellence in every role at every level.
Stop! Think Fraud Home Office campaign
Stop! Think Fraud is a new campaign led by the Home Office and partnered by many organisations across government including banking, tech, retail, and charities. It aims to give people the tools and information they need to stay ahead of scams and help protect themselves against criminals.
Training for project delivery professionals
In the 2023 to 2024 financial year, over 300 Project Delivery professionals in the Department for Education (DfE) completed training in accredited or recognised courses.
Project Delivery Benchmarking Hub
A new project delivery Benchmarking Hub will give delivery professionals access to a bank of project data helping them to understand value for money.
Project Delivery Portal at the Department for Transport
The Project Delivery Portal in the Department for Transport (DfT) is providing a single source of information to support DfT colleagues in the delivery of projects and programmes.
Digital tools for collaboration
90% of central departments and non-ministerial departments will use the Microsoft 365 Collaboration Blueprint by September 2024.