Digital and Data highlights
Digital and Data is creating secure, high-quality digital services that meet user needs. It is supported by Government Digital and Data — a community of experts leading digital transformation in government.
One Login
Over 30 government services are now using GOV.UK One Login with 140 coming on board by 2025 making it simpler and easier to sign into online services. The One Login ID checker app was downloaded more than 4.5 million times.
Digital Excellence
The Digital Excellence Programme is training senior civil servants in digital, data, user and AI.
The Central Digital and Data office leads Government Digital and Data.
The Government Digital and Data ambition is to transform public services, deliver world-class technology and attract and retain the best digital talent.
Child Benefit goes digital
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) introduced fully digital claims for Child Benefit and new parents can now claim Child Benefit online for the first time since it was launched 47 years ago.
School Attendance Data Service
In 2022, the Department for Education (DfE) introduced the Monitor your School Attendance Data Service for schools, trusts and local authorities. 90% of schools are now voluntarily sharing daily attendance data through an automated feed. The lag time on providing school attendance data has reduced from 8 months to less than 24 hours.